Material Science Lab

Material Science Laboratory aims in studying and understanding the microstructure of different metals – Copper & Aluminium, alloys – Stainless Steel, Case Carburized Steel & Bearing Metal, Cast Irons – Gray, Malleable & White Cast Irons, Low Carbon Steel & Medium Carbon Steel and Non – Ferrous Alloy – Brass, under a Metzer 57 Microscopes binocular microscope with proper polishing under ‘Double Disc Polishing Machines.


S. No Name of Equipment
1 Hydraulic Semi-Automatic Mounting Press (3 Ton Capacity)
2 Belt Surface Grinder
3 Double Disc Polisher
4 Hand Polishing Stand
5 Heat treatment Furnace 1000 ֯C (6X6X12) (Muffle furnace)
6 Quenching Machine
7  Specimen Cut-Off Machine (2 HP)
8  Trinacular Metallurgical Microscope (2 Nos)
9 Material plus software
10 Binocular Metallurgical Microscope (7 Nos)
11 Binocular Metallurgical Microscope (3 Nos)
12 Double disc polisher