Computer Science and Engineering (CSE)
The field of Computer Science and Engineering has been pushing the envelope of almost all other disciplines, which use computing as a fundamental means of inquiry and tool for discovery. Computer science and engineering offers exciting, intellectually challenging, and rapidly growing career opportunities. It is the heart of where the action is: whether this means intelligent game playing, mobile applications, smart robots, cloud computing, data security or social networks.
The B.Tech program in Computer Science and Engineering was started in the year 2007 with an intake of 60, increased to 120 in 2008 and 180 in 2017. Besides, an additional 20% seats are under lateral entry scheme.
M.Tech (Computer Science and Engineering) is a two year full time post-graduate programme approved by the All India Council of Technical Education (AICTE) for the students who have a B.E / B. Tech in any branch of engineering, M.Sc and M.C.A. The course is offered by the Department of Computer Science & Engineering by highly qualified and experienced teaching faculty. Intake to this course is 18 admitted through J N T University’s.
The B.Tech CSE Programme was accredited by NBA for the first time under tier – II in 2016 and further extension of accreditation is granted up to June 2022.
To achieve excellence in the field of Computer Science and Engineering with professional competency.
- Provide quality education to achieve excellence
- Upgrade infrastructure and technologies to meet the learner’s needs
- Establish linkages with Government and Industry to enhance technical skills, entrepreneurship and innovations
- Support research to serve the needs of the society
The Department of CSE has developed and adopted Programme Educational Objectives (PEOs) for guiding UG programme towards the mission and vision which reflects three aspects of student learning: Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral. PEOs are expected to attain by the students few years after their graduation.
Programme Educational Objectives
PEOs | Program Educational Objectives (PEOs) |
PEO1 | Graduates will be able to become Competent Professionals rendering service to IT and ITES industry. |
PEO2 | Graduates will be able to become Lifelong Learners by adapting new technologies to sustain in their career. |
PEO3 | Graduates will be able to become Technocrats to serve the needs of the society with ethical values. |
Mapping Program Educational Objectives with Mission
PEO No. | Mission 1 | Mission 2 | Mission 3 | Mission 4 |
PEO1 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 2 |
PEO2 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 2 |
PEO3 | 3 | 3 | 2 | 2 |
Correlation Levels: 1 – Slight (Low) 2 – Moderate (Medium) 3 – Substantial (High) |
Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs)
Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs) are what the graduates of a specific UG programme should be able to do at the time of graduation. Department has defined few specific outcomes which make graduate realize the fact that the knowledge and techniques learnt in this programme has direct implication especially in the field of Computer Science and Engineering.
Programme Specific Outcomes (PSOs) of UG are :
PSO No. | Programme Specific Outcomes |
PSO1 | (System Analysis and Design) Demonstrate the working principles of the hardware and software aspects of computer systems. |
PSO2 | (Product Development)Implementation and maintenance of software products based on the professional engineering practices with effective strategies. |
Programme Outcomes (POs)
The Department of CSE has developed and adopted Programme Outcomes (POs) for guiding UG programme. POs describe that, what students are expected to know or be able to do by the time of graduation from the programme
The Programme Outcomes (POs) of UG in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) are :
PO Number | Programme Outcome |
PO1 | Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems. |
PO2 | Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences. |
PO3 | Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations. |
PO4 | Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions. |
PO5 | Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations |
PO6 | The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice. |
PO7 | Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development. |
PO8 | Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice. |
PO9 | Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings. |
PO10 | Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions |
PO11 | Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments |
PO12 | Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change. |
The Programme Outcomes (POs) of PG in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE):
PO No. | Programme Outcomes |
PO1 | An ability to independently carry out research /investigation and development work to solve practical problems |
PO2 | An ability to write and present a substantial technical report/document |
PO3 | Students should be able to demonstrate a degree of mastery over the area as per the specialization of the program. The mastery should be at a level higher than the requirements in the appropriate bachelor program |
Competencies and Performance Indicators (UG):
PO 1: Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization for the solution of complex engineering problems. | |
Competency | Performance Indicators |
1.1Demonstrate competence in mathematical modeling | 1.1.1 Apply the knowledge of discrete structures, linear algebra, statistics and numerical techniques to solve problems
1.1.2 Apply the concepts of probability, statistics and queuing theory in modeling of computer based system, data and network protocols |
1.2 Demonstrate competence in basic sciences | 1.2.1 Apply laws of natural science to an engineering problem
1.3 Demonstrate competence in engineering fundamentals | 1.3.1 Apply engineering fundamentals. |
1.4 Demonstrate competence in specialized engineering
knowledge to the program |
1.4.1 Apply theory and principles of computer science engineering to solve an engineering problem |
PO 2: Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences. | |
2.1 Demonstrate an ability to identify and formulate complex engineering problem | 2.1.1 Evaluate problem statements and identifies objectives
2.1.2 Identifies processes/modules/algorithms of a computer based system and parameters to solve a problem 2.1.3 Identifies mathematical algorithmic knowledge that applies to a given problem |
2.2 Demonstrate an ability to formulate a solution plan and methodology for an engineering problem | 2.2.1 Reframe the computer based system into interconnected subsystems
2.2.2 Identifies functionalities and computing resources 2.2.3 Identify existing solution/methods to solve the problem, including forming justified approximations and assumptions 2.2.4 Compare and contrast alternative solution/methods to select the best methods 2.6.5 Compare and contrast alternative solution processes to select the best process |
2.3 Demonstrate an ability to formulate and interpret a model | 2.3.1 Able to apply computer engineering principles to formulate modules of a system with required applicability and performance
2.3.2 Identify design constraints for required performance criteria |
2.4 Demonstrate an ability to execute a solution process and
analyze results |
2.4.1 Applies engineering mathematics to implement the solution
2.4.2 Analyze and interpret the results using contemporary tools 2.4.3 Identify the limitations of the solution and sources/causes 2.4.4 Arrive at conclusions with respect to the objectives |
PO 3: Design/Development of Solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for public health and safety, and cultural, societal, and environmental considerations. | |
3.1 Demonstrate an ability to define a complex / open ended problem in engineering terms | 3.1.1 Able to define a precise problem statement with objectives and scope
3.1.2 Able to identify and document system requirements from stake holders 3.1.3 Ability to review state of the art literature to synthesize system requirements 3.1.4 Ability to choose appropriate quality attributes as defined by ISO/IEC/IEEE standard. 3.1.5 Explore and synthesize system requirements from larger social and professional concerns 3.1.6 Ability to develop software requirement specifications (SRS) |
3.2 Demonstrate an ability to generate a diverse set of alternative design solutions | 3.2.1 Ability to explore design alternatives
3.2.2 Ability to produce a variety of potential design solutions suited to meet functional requirements 3.2.3 Identify suitable non functional requirements for evaluation of alternate design solutions |
3.3 Demonstrate an ability to select optimal design scheme for further development | 3.3.1 Ability to perform systematic evaluation of the degree to which several design concepts meet the criteria
3.3.2 Consult with domain experts and stakeholders to select candidate engineering design solution for further development |
3.4 Demonstrate an ability to advance an engineering design to defined end state | 3.4.1 Ability to refine architecture design into a detailed design within the existing constraints
3.4.2 Ability to implement and integrate the modules 3.4.3 Ability to verify the functionalities and validate the design |
PO 4: Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions. | |
4.1 Demonstrate an ability to conduct investigations of technical issues consistent with their level of knowledge and understanding | 4.1.1 Define a problem for purposes of investigation, its scope and importance
4.1.2 Ability to choose appropriate procedure/algorithm, data set and test cases 4.1.3 Ability to choose appropriate hardware/software tools to conduct the experiment |
4.2 Demonstrate an ability to design experiments to solve open ended problems | 4.2.1 Design and develop appropriate procedures/methodologies based on the study objectives .
4.3 Demonstrate an ability to analyze data and reach a valid conclusion | 4.3.1 Use appropriate procedures, tools and techniques to collect and analyze data
4.3.2 Critically analyze data for trends and correlations, stating possible errors and limitations 4.3.3 Represent data (in tabular and/or graphical forms) so as to facilitate analysis and explanation of the data, and drawing of conclusions 4.3.4 Synthesize information and knowledge about the problem from the raw data to reach appropriate conclusions |
PO 5: Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations. | |
5.1Demonstrate an ability to identify / create modern engineering tools, techniques and resources | 5.1.1 Identify modern engineering tools, techniques and resources for engineering activities
5.1.2 Create/adapt/modify/extend tools and techniques to solve engineering problems |
5.2 Demonstrate an ability to select and apply discipline specific tools, techniques and resources | 5.2.1 Identify the strengths and limitations of tools for (i) acquiring information, (ii) modeling and simulating, (iii) monitoring system performance, and (iv) creating engineering designs
5.2.2 Demonstrate proficiency in using discipline specific tools |
5.3 Demonstrate an ability to evaluate the suitability and limitations of tools used to solve an engineering problem | 5.3.1 Discuss limitations and validate tools, techniques and resources
5.3.2 Verify the credibility of results from tool use with reference to the accuracy and limitations, and the assumptions inherent in their use |
PO 6: The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal, and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice. | |
6.1 Demonstrate an ability to describe engineering roles in a broader context, e.g. pertaining to the environment, health, safety, legal and public welfare | 6.1.1 Identify and describe various engineering roles; particularly as pertains to protection of the public and public interest at global, regional and local level |
6.2 Demonstrate an understanding of professional engineering regulations, legislation and standards | 6.2.1 Interpret legislation, regulations, codes, and standards relevant to your discipline and explain its contribution to the protection of the public
PO 7: Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable
development. |
7.1 Demonstrate an understanding of the impact of engineering and industrial practices on social, environmental and in economic contexts | 7.1.1 Identify risks/impacts in the life-cycle of an engineering product or activity
7.1.2 Understand the relationship between the technical, socio economic and environmental dimensions of sustainability
7.2 Demonstrate an ability to apply principles of sustainable design and Development | 7.2.1 Describe management techniques for sustainable development
7.2.2 Apply principles of preventive engineering and sustainable development to an engineering activity or product relevant to the discipline |
PO 8: Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice. | |
8.1 Demonstrate an ability to recognize ethical dilemmas | 8.1.1 Identify situations of unethical professional conduct and propose ethical alternatives |
8.2 Demonstrate an ability to apply the Code of Ethics | 8.2.1 Identify tenets of the ASME professional code of ethics
8.2.2 Examine and apply moral & ethical principles to known case studies |
PO 9: Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings. | |
9.1 Demonstrate an ability to form a team and define a role for each member | 9.1.1 Recognize a variety of working and learning preferences; appreciate the value of diversity on a team
9.1.2 Implement the norms of practice (e.g. rules, roles, charters, agendas, etc.) of effective team work, to accomplish a goal. |
9.2 Demonstrate effective individual and team operations-communication, problem solving, conflict resolution and leadership skills | 9.2.1 Demonstrate effective communication, problem solving, conflict resolution and leadership skills
9.2.2 Treat other team members respectfully 9.2.3 Listen to other members and Maintain composure in difficult situations
9.3 Demonstrate success in a team based project | 9.3.1 Present results as a team, with smooth integration of contributions from all individual efforts |
PO 10: Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with the society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions | |
10.1 Demonstrate an ability to comprehend technical literature and document project work | 10.1.1 Read, understand and interpret technical and nontechnical information
10.1.2 Produce clear, well-constructed, and well-supported written engineering documents 10.1.3 Create flow in a document or presentation – a logical progression of ideas so that the main point is clear |
10.2 Demonstrate competence in listening, speaking, and presentation | 10.2.1 Listen to and comprehend information, instructions, and viewpoints of others
10.2.2 Deliver effective oral presentations to technical and nontechnical audiences |
10.3 Demonstrate the ability to integrate different modes of
communication |
10.3.1 Create engineering-standard figures, reports and drawings to complement writing and presentations
10.3.2 Use a variety of media effectively to convey a message in a document or a presentation |
PO 11: Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments. | |
11.1 Demonstrate an ability to evaluate the economic and financial performance of an engineering activity | 11.1.1 Describe various economic and financial costs/benefits of an engineering activity 11.1.2 Analyze different forms of financial statements to evaluate the financial status of an engineering project |
11.2 Demonstrate an ability to compare and contrast the costs/benefits of alternate
proposals for an engineering activity |
11.2.1 Analyze and select the most appropriate proposal based on economic and financial considerations
11.3 Demonstrate an ability to plan/manage an engineering activity within time and budget constraints | 11.3.1 Identify the tasks required to complete an engineering activity, and the resources required to complete the tasks
11.3.2 Use project management tools to schedule an engineering project so it is completed on time and on budget
PO 12: Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change. | |
12.1 Demonstrate an ability to identify gaps in knowledge and a strategy to close these gaps | 12.1.1 Describe the rationale of requirement for continuing professional development
12.1.2 Identify deficiencies or gaps in knowledge and demonstrate an ability to source information to close this gap |
12.2 Demonstrate an ability to identify changing trends in
engineering knowledge and practice |
12.2.1 Identify historic points of technological advance in engineering that required practitioners to seek education in order to stay current
12.2.2 Recognize the need and be able to clearly explain why it is vitally important to keep current regarding new developments in your field. |
12.3 Demonstrate an ability to identify and access sources for new information | 12.3.1 Source and comprehend technical literature and other credible sources of information.
12.3.2 Analyze sourced technical and popular information for feasibility, viability, sustainability, etc. |
Courses Outcomes (COs):
AK19 | Click Here |
AK20 | Click Here |
Mr.RAMANA REDDY BANDI received his BTech(CSE) from JNTUH in 2006, MTech(CSE) from JNTUA in 2009. He is working as Head of Computer Science and Engineering department, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Tirupati. He is a Ratified faculty under JNTUA, Ananthapuramu-515002. His current research areas are Machine Learning, Data Science, Theory of Computing and Deep Learning.
He has more than 13 years of teaching experience and 2 years of Industry experience. He has published 15 articles in reputed National/International journals and few papers were published in UGC Approved Journals and Scopus Indexed Journals. He has applied and published 3 patents on emerging technologies/ ideas. He is an active member of Professional bodies like CSI, ISTE and IAENG. He is successfully running a Youtube channel of his own ( Ramana Reddy Academic lectures) for teaching subjects like FLAT, CD, TOC and Machine Learning
Mr.Ramana Reddy Bandi is also incharge of Andhra Pradesh State Skill Development Corporation from the stage of inception and conducted many events on Skill Development programmes for students and faculty. Under the guidance of the management and the principal, he contributed for the establishment of “CM’s Skill Excellence center( Computing lab)” & “DASSAULT SYSTEMES Advance technologies Training lab, worth of 1 crore rupees for Design experience ” provided by The Govt Of Andhra Pradesh.
Mr.Ramana Reddy Bandi headed IUCEE ( Indo Universal Collaboration for Engineering Education) in association with Purdue University, USA for enhancing Teaching- Learning process and for creating Engineering projects in community service. He also headed AP Innovation Society with the association of XLR8 and University of Texas at Austin for IC2 (Innovation, Creativity & Capital). He also headed Machine Learning research group in association with Bennett University, Delhi.
CSE Faculty Details | ||||
ACY::2022-23 | ||||
S.No | Name of the Faculty | Qualification | Designation | Date of Joining |
1 | Mr. B Ramana Reddy | M.Tech,(Ph.D) | Associate Professor & HOD | 11.01.2010 |
2 | Dr. Shaik Jumlesha | ME, Ph.D | Professor | 16.05.2018 |
3 | Dr. S Athinarayanan | M.Tech, Ph.D | Professor | 01.05.2018 |
4 | Dr. K Navaz | ME, Ph.D | Professor | 12.03.2018 |
5 | Mr. B Purushotham | M.Tech, (Ph.D) | Assistant Professor | 18.06.2014 |
6 | Mr. J Chandra Babu | M.Tech | Assistant Professor | 16.04.2022 |
7 | Mr. G Lakshmi Narayana | M.Tech, (Ph.D) | Assistant Professor | 01.07.2009 |
8 | Mr. S Sundara Pandiyan | M.Tech | Assistant Professor | 06.07.2017 |
9 | Mr. M Madhu | M.Tech | Assistant Professor | 12.02.2019 |
10 | Mr. S Prathap | M.E | Assistant Professor | 06.04.2022 |
11 | Mr. T Sreenivasula Reddy | M.Tech, (Ph.D) | Assistant Professor | 08.01.2021 |
12 | Mr. V Sambasiva | M.Tech | Assistant Professor | 04.08.2022 |
13 | Mrs. Y Saroja | M.Tech, (Ph.D) | Assistant Professor | 26.09.2022 |
14 | Mrs. S Venkata Lakshmi | M.Tech,(Ph.D) | Assistant Professor | 16.04.2022 |
15 | Mr. C Bhanu Prakash | M.Tech | Assistant Professor | 21.09.2007 |
16 | Mrs. P Charishma | M. Tech | Assistant Professor | 25.06.2012 |
17 | Mr. N Venkata Vinod Kumar | M.Tech, (Ph.D) | Assistant Professor | 22.06.2015 |
18 | Ms. G Sailaja | M.Tech,(Ph.D) | Assistant Professor | 01.07.2022 |
19 | Mr. L Veera Kiran | M.Tech | Assistant Professor | 21.06.2017 |
20 | Mr. A Sankar Reddy | M.Tech, (Ph.D) | Assistant Professor | 01.06.2015 |
21 | Ms. T Anuradha | M.Tech | Assistant Professor | 09.01.2020 |
22 | Mr. C Radha Krishna Murthy | M.Tech | Assistant Professor | 09.01.2020 |
23 | Ms. N Jyothsna | M.Tech | Assistant Professor | 12.04.2019 |
24 | Mr. D Sainath | M.Tech | Assistant Professor | 01.06.2022 |
25 | Mrs. P Anusha | M.Tech | Assistant Professor | 01.07.2020 |
26 | Mr. B Sunil Kumar | M.Tech | Assistant Professor | 04.07.2017 |
27 | Mr. N Venkatramana | M.Tech | Assistant Professor | 08.01.2021 |
28 | Mrs. M Lakshmi Preethi | M.Tech | Assistant Professor | 13.12.2021 |
29 | Ms. K Divya Sree | M.Tech | Assistant Professor | 01.06.2020 |
30 | Mr. P Bhanu Prakash | M.Tech,(Ph.D) | Assistant Professor | 01.07.2022 |
31 | Ms. M Reddi Durga Sree | M.Tech | Assistant Professor | 02.01.2017 |
32 | Mrs. H Teja | M.Tech,(Ph.D) | Assistant Professor | 05.06.2017 |
33 | Mr. U Prem Sagar | M.Tech | Assistant Professor | 02.05.2022 |
34 | Ms. J Sivarani | M.Tech | Assistant Professor | 01.05.2018 |
35 | Mrs. O Sahithya | M.Tech | Assistant Professor | 02.07.2018 |
36 | Ms. P Pavani | M.Tech | Assistant Professor | 12.02.2019 |
37 | Mr. M Kiran Moni | M.Tech | Assistant Professor | 18.02.2021 |
38 | Mr. T Sai Kumar | M.Tech | Assistant Professor | 08.01.2021 |
39 | Ms. D Dhanya | M.Tech | Assistant Professor | 18.01.2021 |
40 | Mrs. C Meena | M.Tech | Assistant Professor | 28.10.2022 |
Date | Event Detail | Guest/Speaker/Trainer |
11.12.2021 | Webinar on Python for II CSE & CIC students | Mr. M. Sudhakara, Assistant professor, School of Computing and Information Technology, Reva University, Bangalore |
19.12.2021 | Webinar on Python Revision for II CSE, CIC, AI & DS, CIVIL, MECH students | Mr. A. Chandra, Quality Analyst, Infosys, Bangalore |
24.12.2021 | Blind Code and T-Squad events on behalf of Lorecron-2K21 | Mrs. Sailaja G, Assistant Professor, Department of CSE, SV Engineering College, Tirupati |
25.12.2021 | Webinar on Machine Learning for Students of B. Tech IV Year CSE | Mr. N. Lokesh, PhD Scholar in CSE department, IIT Bombay; M.Tech in Computer Science from Indian Institute of Sciences, Bangalore |
28.12.2021 | Tech Doodle Event | Lorecron – 2K21 |
31.12.2021 | Scavenger Hunt Event | Lorecron – 2K21 |
23.01.2022 | Webinar on Database Technologies for CSE, AIDS & CIC Students of B. Tech II Year | Mr. S. Ravi kumar
Sr. Database Engineer, CBRE South Asian Pvt. Ltd
23.01.2022 | Webinar on Android Application for CSE Students of B. Tech IV Year | Mr. Muneiah Tellakula, Sr. Software Engineer @ TCS, Hyderabad
Worked as Trainer cum Developer in APSSDC |
30.01.2022 | Webinar on Compiler Design for CSE Students of B. Tech III Year | Dr. R. Madana Mohana, Professor,
Bharat Institute of Engineering and Technology, Hyderabad |
02.02.2022 -05.03.2022 | 1 Month Webinar on PSP for students of I B.Tech (All Branches) | Mr. T. Venkata Rathnam, M.Tech, Assistant Professor |
05.03.2022 | Webinar on “Interpersonal Skills” for CSE Students of B. Tech III Year | Ms. T. Charishma,
Sr. System Engineer, Developer – SAP, IBM India Pvt Ltd |
12.03.2022 | Talk on Development & Operations in IT Sector for CSE, AIDS & CIC Students of B. Tech II Year | Mr. S. Vishnuvardhan, Sr. System Engineer, CGI Inc
Mr. A. Rajkumar Reddy, Sr. SAP Developer, Pivox Labs Pvt Ltd. |
28.02.2022 –
29.03.2022 |
Pantech E-Learning and APSSDC jointly launched 30 days Python Master Class | Department of CSE in association with Pantech E-Learning and APSSDC |
30.03.2022 |
Seminar on IOS App Development & Software Testing for CSE, AIDS & CIC Students of B. Tech II Year | Mr. K. Chinnababu, Team Lead, IOS Development, Zinier Technologies, Bangalore
Mr. P. Lokesh, Sr. Automation Engineer, Zinier Technologies, Bangalore |
19.04.2022 | Talk On DevOps & IT Oppprtunities in USA | Mr. Mothi Venkata Manoj, Manager, DevOps, Cognizant Phoenix, USA Mr. Kranthi Kumar Peripydi, Sr. Associate, DevOps, Cognizant Phoenix, USA |
Date | Event Detail | Guest/Speaker/Trainer |
14.07.2020 –
18.07.2020 |
Online FDP on Machine Learning | 1. Intisar Mehdi, Data Scientist
2. Dr. M. A. Jabbar, Professor 3. Dr. Venkatesulu Dondeti, Professor & Head 4. Dr. T K Shaik Shavali, Professor & Head 5. Dr. M. Narender, Professor |
26.06.2021 |
Five -Day Hands-on Workshop on “Python Programming” | 1. Dr. N Badrinath, Professor, CSE
2. Mr. N Venkata Vinod Kumar, Assistant Professor, CSE, AITS |
28.06.2021 – 03.07.2021 | FDP on R Programming | 1. Dr. S Jumlesha, Professor, CSE
2. Mr. M. Sudhakara, Assistant Prof, CSE 3. Mr. T. Sai Kishore, Assistant Prof, CSE 4. Mr. M. Kiran Moni, Assistant Prof, CSE |
05.07.2021 -09.07.2021 | FDP on Parallel Programming using OpenMP and Multimedia Tools | 1. Dr. K.Navaz, Professor, CSE
2. Dr. S.Athinarayanan, Professor, CSE 3. Ms.D.Dhanya, Assistant Prof, CSE 4. Mr.S.Revanth Babu, Assistant Prof, CSE |
Date | Event Detail | Guest/Speaker/Trainer |
18.02.2019 | Awareness on Summer Internship Program for III Year CSE students | Mr Yuktesh, IBM
15.03.2019 –
16.03.2019 |
Techno Sangraam-2K19 for students of AITS | Dr.T.S. Natarajan, Professor & Registrar(I/C), IIT TIRUPATI |
29.03.2019 | Lorecron-2K19 on CSE Techfest for students of CSE | Mr. C. Gangi Reddy, Chairman
03.06.2019 – 28.06.2019 | INTERNSHIP | SmartBridge in collaboration with IBM |
24.06.2019 – 17.07.2019 | INTERNSHIP | SmartBridge in collaboration with IBM |
24.08.2019 | Awareness on Anti-Ragging | 1. Chandra Sekhar, DSP
2. Anjoo Yadav, CI, Renigunta |
13.09.2019 | MASTER YOUR MIND – A PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMME | 1. Mr. K. Pradeep Kumar, Motivational speaker and the film actor.
2. Mr. Shiva Kumar, Certified Mind Set trainer |
10.10.2019 –
17.10.2019 |
One week workshop on “Problem solving and Programming using Python” for students of ECE & CSE | Trainer, APSSDC
28.11.2019 | PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM | Sri. Yandamuri Veerendranath,
Indian novelist and screenwriter |
16.12.2019 -21.12.2019 | One Week FDP on Artificial Intelligence | Smart Bridge in collaboration with IBM |
S.No. | Date | Event Detail | Guest/Speaker/Trainer |
1 | 21.06.2018 | International Yoga Day | Mr. Srinivasulu Naidu, Certified Yoga Trainer |
2 | 05.07.2018 | Pep talk on Community-Related Projects | Prof. William Oakes, Purdue University, USA |
3 | 12.07.2018 | Orientation Programme for B. Tech I Year Students | Smt. Rudrama Devi, Judge |
4 | 17.07.2018 | Personality Development Programme | Mr. Ramamurthy |
5 | 17.07.2018 | Importance of Civil Services | Mr. Rajasekhar |
6 | 02.08.2018 | Motivational Session | Mr. Akhela Raghavendra |
7 | 03.08.2018 | VR Workshop | Sv. CO partners with Facebook |
8 | 15.08.2018 | Independence Day Celebrations | Sri. C. Gangi Reddy |
9 | 04.09.2018 | Freshers’ Day | Shri S.K.Chandra Sekhar, DSP, Renigunta |
10 | 27.09.2018 – 29.09.2018 | Aws Technical Essentials Workshop/Aws Certification (3 Days) | APSSDC Trainers |
15.10.2018 | Dasara Mahotsav | In-Campus Programme | |
11 | 29.10.2018 | FOSS Centre Inauguration | Ms. Sanchitha Samant & Ms. Ruchi Sharma, Training manager(A.P), Spoken Tutorial IIT Bombay, NMEICT, MHRD Govt. of India. |
12 | 18.12.2018 | Data Analytics in Smart Manufacturing | Dr. Sagar Kamarthi, Prof and Director of Data Analytics Engineering Program, NE University, Boston |
13 | 07.01.2019 – 10.01.2019 | AWS Educator workshop to the First year Students of CSE | APSSDC Trainers |
14 | 31.01.2019 – 01.02.2019 | 4th International Conference on Recent Challenges in Engineering and Technology | |
15 | 18.02.2019 | Awareness on Summer Internship Programme | Mr. Amarendra, Dir., SmartBridge & Mr. Yuktesh, Sr. Trainer, IBM |
16 | 15.03.2019 – 16.03.2019 | TechnoSangraam 2k19 | Dr.T.S.Natarajan, Professor & Registrar(I/C), IIT TIRUPATI |
17 | 28.03.2019 | Voter Awareness Programme | Mr. N. Mukteswara Rao, IAS |
18 | 29.03.2019 | Lorecron 2k19 – Tech Fest | Sri. C. Gangi Reddy |
19 | 19.04.2019 | Annual Day Celebrations 2019 | Prof AVV Prasad, IIT, Tirupati Prof B Viswanath, Director, Annamacharya Project |
20 | 03.05.2019 | Farewell Day of B.Tech Final Year Students | Faculty and Students of CSE Department |
SNo. | Date | Event Detail | Guest/Speaker of the Event |
1 | 13.06.2017 | Importance of Research – Awareness Programme to Staff | Dr. K. R. Murali Mohan, Head – Big Data Initiative, DST, India |
2 | 21.06.2017 | International Yoga Day | Art of Living – Trainers |
3 | 05.07.2017 | Orientation-Day Programme to B. Tech Freshers | Mr. Jagan Mohan, Technical Head – Amararaja Batteries, TPT |
4 | 07.07.2017 | Memory Improvement Programme | Raghu Guruji, Sathya Sai Trust of Meditation |
5 | 12.07.2017 | Pep-Talk on “IT Industry Needs” | Mr. S. R. Swaminathan, Senior Director, Virtusa – Chennai Mr. Naveen Williams, HR Executive, Virtusa – Chennai |
6 | 05.08.2017 | Entrepreneurship Awareness Program | IB Hubs |
7 | 18.08.2017 | Pep-Talk on “Preparation for UPSC & Prospects” | Mr. Ashok IPS |
8 | 23.08.2017 | CSE Fresher’s Day | Dr. C. Nadhamuni Reddy, Principal, AITS, Tirupati |
9 | 12.09.2017 – 13.09.2017 |
Third International Conference on “Recent Challenges in Engineering & Technology” | Prof. Bhanu Prasad Pinnamaneni, Director, R &D, Kelenn Technology, France Dr. Vijay Tharad, Director – Operations |
10 | 13.09.2017 | IoT in Everyday Life | Dr. Siva Gurumoorthy, Professor, SVCE, Tirupati |
11 | Three Days Android Workshop for III CSE | APSSDC Trainers | |
12 | 24.01.2018 | Pep-Talk on Self Motivation to improve academics and career | Mr. Sudheer Sandra, Clinical Psychologist |
13 | 22.01.2018 – 27.01.2018 |
Six Days Programme on Problem-Solving in C Language | APSSDC Trainers |
14 | 29.01.2018- 03.02.2018 |
Six Days Programme on Problem-Solving in C Language | APSSDC Trainers |
SNo. | Date | Event Detail | Guest/Speaker of the Event |
1 | 21.06.2016 | International Yoga Day | Mr. C. Sarath Babu, Yoga Instructor, TTD Vedic Univ., TPT |
2 | 01.07.2016 | Orientation Programme | Dr. Nagendra Prasad, Placement Officer, SVUCE, SVU, TPT |
3 | 04.07.2016 | Introduction on Python Programming | Mr. Rishi Anand, Corporate Trainer, HYD |
4 | 29.07.2016 | APP Exhibition | III Year CSE Students |
5 | 03.08.2016 | Two Days Workshop on Big Data | Mr. G. Srikanth, TCS Trainer, Chennai |
6 | 26.08.2016 | Session by IC2 | Mr. Glenn Robinson Mr. Vishal Khanna Mr. Giridhar |
7 | 22.11.2016 – 27.11.2016 | FTP on “Curriculum Design, Measurement and Evaluation” | NITTTR, Kolkatta |
8 | 05.01.2017 | Pep-Talk on Motivating Students to Inspire | Ms. Pamela Kumar, Vice-President, Cloud Computing Council of India, BGL |
9 | 11.01.2017 | Training Programme on “Demonetization and Cashless Transactions” | APSSDC Trainers |
10 | 20.01.2017 | Virtualization in Cloud Computing, an in-house Training Programme to III CSE students | Mr. Ch. Sivasankar, Assistant Professor,Dept of CSE, AITS, Tirupati |
11 | 04.03.2017 | One-Day Workshop on “IOT – Hands on Practice” | Dr. S R N Reddy & his Scholars |
12 | 27.03.2017 | National Level Technical Symposium, LORECRON – 2k17 | Mr. G. Giridhar, CEO, M/s. 7-In-Q and M/s. Venusgeo |
13 | 31.03.2017 | College Day Celebrations | Mr. EV Swamy Mr. Balaswamy B Ms. Priya Radhakrishnan |
Practical classes conducted | Venue | Year |
Problem Solving and Programming Lab | RITCHIE Lab | I B.Tech I Semester |
Data Structures & Algorithms Lab | GOSLING Lab | I B.Tech II Semester |
CSE Workshop | GOSLING Lab | I B.Tech II Semester |
Basics of Python Programming | RITCHIE Lab | II B.Tech I Semester |
Design Thinking & Product Innovation Lab | RITCHIE Lab | II B.Tech I Semester |
Object Oriented Programming through Java Lab | RITCHIE Lab | II B.Tech II Semester |
Computer Organization Lab | JOHN MCCARTHY Lab | II B.Tech II Semester |
Object Oriented Analysis and Design and Software Testing Lab | GOSLING Lab | III B.Tech I Semester |
Compiler Design Lab | JOHN MCCARTHY Lab | III B.Tech I Semester |
AI Lab | JOHN MCCARTHY Lab | III B.Tech I Semester |
Operating System Lab | JOHN MCCARTHY Lab | III B.Tech I Semester |
Web and Internet Technologies Lab | VINT CERF Lab | III B.Tech II Semester |
Data Warehousing and Mining Lab | AHO ULLMAN Lab | III B.Tech II Semester |
Grid and Cloud Computing Lab | VINT CERF Lab | IV B.Tech. I Semester |
Mobile Application Development Lab | TIM BERNERS LEE Lab | IV B.Tech. I Semester |
Project Lab | VINT CERF Lab | IV B.Tech. II Semester |
Hardware Facilities
SL. No | Name of the Laboratory | Total No of System | Hardware Configurations |
80 | Lenovo S500 Desktop |
Intel H110 chipset: Intel i3 Processor | |||
4GB DDR4 RAM | |||
LED 19.5 Monitor | |||
1TB HDD | |||
2 |
110 | LENOVO M60 DESKTOP G-41 |
Chipset: Intel Pentium G630 2.40Ghz processor | |||
2 GB DDR3 RAM | |||
250 GB HDD | |||
15.6” LED Monitor | |||
Keyboard | |||
Optical Mouse. | |||
110 | WIPRO NET POWER Z2501 |
Intel XEON 1.86GHz Processor Intel chipset | |||
1 GB DDR-II RAM | |||
2*160 GB SATA Disk | |||
17” CRT Monitor, DVD Writer | |||
USB Key Board & Optical Mouse. | |||
4 |
55 | HP 280G4 Desktop |
Intel Core i3-8100 | |||
8GB RAM,1TB HDD | |||
18.5 TFT monitor | |||
USB mouse and USB Key Board | |||
55 | HP 280G4 Desktop |
Intel Core i3-8100 | |||
8GB RAM,1TB HDD | |||
18.5 TFT monitor | |||
USB mouse and USB Key Board | |||
75 | HP280G6 Desktop Core-i5 -10500
16GB DDR4 RAM | |||
1TB HDD | |||
18.5 TFT Monitor | |||
USB mouse and USB Key Board | |||
7 | CM’s Skill Excellence Center (Computing Lab) | 37 | Acer TravelMate TMP249-G2-M-35HN 14″ Laptop/ Notebook |
Windows® 10 Pro | |||
Intel® Core™ i3-7100U Processor – 2.4GHz | |||
3M Cache 4GB DDR4 RAM Memory | |||
1TB SATA HDD 5.4Krpm Hard Drive | |||
Intel® HD Graphics 620. VGA & HDMI with HDCP 2.2 ports | |||
14″ HD 1366×768 resolution | |||
IEEE 802.11ac,2×2 MIMO WiFi,
Gigabit thernet (WOL) & Bluetooth 4.0 |
8 | CM’s Skill Excellence Center
(Dassault Systems 3D Experience Lab & Advanced TEchnoogies Training LAb |
36 | HP Zbook 15U G4 Mobile work station |
Windows® 10 Pro :Intel® Core™ i5, 7th Gen, 7200U Processor | |||
16GB DDR4 RAM Memory | |||
1TB SATA HDD | |||
Intel® HD 2GB Graphics 620. VGA & HDMI with HDCP 2.2 ports | |||
Display 15.6″ HD 1366×768 resolution | |||
Networking : 802.11ac, 2×2 MIMO WiFi | |||
Gigabit Ethernet (WOL) & Bluetooth 4.0 |
II B. Tech I Semester | Subject Name | File Name |
1 | Basics of Electrical and Electronics Engineering(20AES0205) | Basics of Electrical and Electronics Engineering(20AES0205) |
2 | Basics of Python Programming (20APC0526) | Basics of Python Programming (20APC0526) |
3 | Database Management Systems(20APC0502) | Database Management Systems(20APC0502) |
4 | Discrete Mathematical Structures(20ABS9914) | Discrete Mathematical Structures(20ABS9914) |
III B.Tech I Semester | Subject Name | File Name |
1 | Computer Networks(20APC0516) | Computer Networks(20APC0516) |
2 | Data Warehousing & Mining (20APE0501) | Data Warehousing & Mining (20APE0501) |
3 | Deterministic & Stochastic Methods (20AOE9925) | Deterministic & Stochastic Methods (20AOE9925) |
4 | Software Engineering (20APC0519) | Software Engineering (20APC0519) |
5 | Formal Languages Automata Theory(20APC0518) | Formal Languages Automata Theory(20APC0518) |
IV B.Tech I Semester | Subject Name | File Name |
1 | Cryptography and Network Security(20APE0511) | Cryptography and Network Security(20APE0511) |
2 | Data Analytics (20APE0514) | Data Analytics (20APE0514) |
3 | Enabling Technologies for Data Science & Analytics – IoT(20A0E3601) | Enabling Technologies for Data Science & Analytics – IoT(20A0E3601) |
4 | English for Research Paper Writing (20AOE9901) | English for Research Paper Writing (20AOE9901) |
5 | Principles of Data Science (20APE0519) | Principles of Data Science (20APE0519) |
S.No. | Name of the Faculty | Journal Name | Year & Month of Public ation | Vol. No.,Issue No.,and s. | TITLE | Web link |
1 | Dr.K.Navaz | International Journal of Vehicle Autonomous Systems | 2021 – July | 2020 Vol.15 No.3/4 | LabVIEW-based performance improvement of servo vacuum booster using programmable logic control | 10.1504/IJVAS.2020.116450 |
S.No. | Name of the Faculty | Journal Name | Year & Month of Public ation | Vol. No.,Issue No.,and s. | TITLE | Web link |
1 | Dr.N.Badrinath | Internation al Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communic ation | 2020 July | Vol. 16 No. 4.,PP. 371-381 | Pervasiv e computa tional model and wearable devices for prediction of respiratory symptoms in progression of COVID- 19 | |
2 | T.Sreeni vasulu Reddy | Internation al Journal of Advanced in Automatio n,Signal processing,Instrumen tation and control | 2020 October | 2020 Issue | Heuristi c-Based Clusteri ng Approach for Discover ing Colossal Patterns from High- Dimensi onal Databases | |
3 | Dr.K.Navaz | International Journal | 2020 October | 2020 Issue | Optimization for connecti vity and coverage issue in target based wireless sensor network using an effective multiobj ective hybrid tunicate and salp swarm optimizer | |
4 | S.Athina rayana | Internation al Journal of Advanced science and technology | 2020 June | Vol.2 9,No 8s | Alternati ve Approac h to Path evaluati on Algorith ms used in GPS Devices | |
5 | Akepati Sankar Reddy | Internatio nal Journal of Analytical and Experimen tal model analysis | 2020 June | Volu me XII,Issue VI ISSN: 0886-9367 | “ACompar ative Study and Analysis of Image Denoisin g methods:Principal Component Analysis with Local Pixel Groupin g and Nonloca l Multi Task Sparse Learnig” | |
6 | B.Rupa Devi | Internation al Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering | 2020 October | Vol 9,No.5 | Detection of Pneumonia Using Deep Transfer Learning | |
7 | M.Reddi Durga Sree | International Journal of Computer Applicatio ns | 2021 April | Vol.1 74 No.29 |
Comparative analysis of stock market prediction algorithms based on Twitter Data | |
8 | G.Rama krishna | Internation al Journal of Computer Applicatio ns | 2021 April | No.29 | Comparative analysis of stock market prediction algorithms based on Twitter Data | |
9 | R.Venka ta Ramana | Internation al Journal of Computer Applicatio ns | 2021 April | Vol.1 74 No.29 | Comparative analysis of stock market prediction algorithms based on Twitter Data | |
10 | G.Megh ana Madhuri | International Journa lof Emerging Technolog ies and Innovative Research | 2020 November | Vol 7,Issu e 11 | Intrusion Detectio n System Using Gini Index Based Technique | |
11 | N.Geethanjali | International Journa lof Emerging Technolog ies and Innovative Research | 2021January | Vol8,Issu e 1 | Facial Emotion Reorgan ization Using Convolu tion Neural Network | |
12 | M.Reddi Durga Sree | Internation al Journal of Alochana Chakra Journal | 2020 June | Vol.9,No.69 | Hybrid Quantum Cryptography scheme to enhance the security in Digilocker | |
S.No. | Name of the Faculty | Journal Name | Year & Month of Publication | Vol. No., Issue No., and pg.nos. | TITLE | Web Link |
1 | B.Rupaevi | International Sientific Refereed Research Journal | 2019 June | Vol 2,Issue 3 | An Enhanced Approach for Security Authorized Deduplication in hybrid clouds | |
2 | C.Bhanu Prakash | International Sientific Refereed Research Journal | 2019 June | Vol 2,Issue 3 | An Enhanced Approach for Security Authorized Deduplication in hybrid clouds | |
3 | G.Lakshmi Narayana | International Sientific Refereed Research Journal | 2019 June | Vol 2,Issue 3 | An Enhanced Approach for Security Authorized Deduplication in hybrid clouds | |
4 | Dr.K.Navaz | IJRTE | 2019 July | Vol 8 Issue-2,PP.1050-1055 | Parallel and serial graph coloring implentation with tabu search method | |
5 | M.Reddi Durga Sree | International Sientific Refereed Research Journal | 2019 Aug | Vol 5, Issue 4 | Predicting early reviewers in their rating behaviour for product marketing on websites | |
6 | B.Purushotham | International Journal of Intelligent Engineering and Systems | 2019 Aug | Vol 12, No.5,PP.232-240 | Effective Maintaince of path stability using ACO-PLF mechanism in MANET’s | |
7 | Dr.K.Navaz | ICTACT Journal on image and video processing | 2019 Nov | Vol 10,Issue 2 | Effective image processing techniques based iris attendance system | |
8 | Dr.S.Athinarayanan | ICTACT Journal on image and video processing | 2019 Nov | Vol 10,Issue 2 | Effective image processing techniques based iris attendance system | |
9 | B.Sunil Kumar | Journal oF Advanced research in technology and management sciences | 2019 Nov | Vol 1, Issue 3 | Technologies of internet of things for healthcare services | |
10 | Dr.N.Badinath | International Journal of advanced science and technology | 2020 Jan | Vol 29,No 6, PP.3631-3639 | The comparative analysis of machine learning techniques for gestational diabetics prediction | |
11 | Dr.K.Navaz | International Journal of Vehicle Autonomus Systems | 2020 Feb | Issue 2020 | Lab view based performance improvement of servo vacum booster using programble logic control | |
12 | K.Sumalatha | nternational Journal of electrica; and Computer Engineering | 2020 Feb | Vol 9, No 1, PP 629-634 | A review on various optimization techniques of resources provisioning in cloud computing | |
13 | Dr.K.Navaz | International Journal of advanced science and technology | 2020 Mar | Vol 83,PP 2063-2067 | Integrity and load balancing in big data systems | |
14 | Dr.S.Athinarayanan | International Journal of advanced science and technology | 2020 Mar | Vol 83,PP 2063-2067 | Integrity and load balancing in big data systems | |
15 | R.Venkata Ramana | International Journal of IGI Global | 2020 Mar | Chapter 3, PP 45-50 | Towords the integration of block chain and IOT for security challenges in IOT | |
16 | M.Sudhakara | International Journal of IGI Global | 2020 Mar | Chapter 3, PP 45-50 | Towords the integration of block chain and IOT for security challenges in IOT | |
17 | Venkata Rathnam | International Journal of IGI Global | 2020 Mar | Chapter 3, PP 45-50 | Towords the integration of block chain and IOT for security challenges in IOT | |
18 | Y. Mahanandhi | International Journal of advanced science and technology | 2020 Mar | Vol 83,PP 2063-2067 | Integrity and load balancing in big data systems | |
19 | Dr.S.Jumlesha | IJSREM | 2020 Apr | Vol 4, Issue 4 | Energy saving technique by home automation and data mining | |
20 | B.Sunil Kumar | IJSREM | 2020 Apr | Vol 4, Issue 4 | Energy saving technique by home automation and data mining | |
21 | N.Venkata Vinod Kumar | International Journal of TEST engineering and Management | 2020 Apr | Vol 83,No 5048-5058 | Machine Learning based web risk detection | |
22 | Dr.S.Athinarayanan | Internatioal Journal of advanced science and technology | 2020 Apr | Vol 29,No 8,PP 3650-3654 | Alternative approach to path evaluations used in GPS devices | |
23 | K.Rajashekar | TEST engineering and management | 2020 Apr | Vol 83, PP 2063-2067 | Integrity and load balancing in big data systems | |
24 | G.Lakshmi Narayana | IJSREM | 2020 Apr | ISSN 2582-3930 Vol 4 | Energy saving technique by home automation and data mining | |
S.No. | Name of the Faculty | Journal Name | Year & Month of Publication | Vol. No., Issue No., and pg.nos. | TITLE | Web Link |
1 | Dr.S.Athinara yanan | International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering | 2018 June |
Vol.6, Issue.9, pp.789- 792 | Throughp ut Analysis of Multicast Schedulin g Algorithms by Varying NxN IQ Switch | |
2 | Dr.K.Navaz | International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering | 2018 June |
Vol.6, Issue.9, pp.789- 792 | Throughp ut Analysis of Multicast Schedulin g Algorithm s by Varying NxN IQ Switch | |
3 | Dr. Shaik Jumlesha | International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering | 2018 June |
Vol.6, Issue.9, pp.789- 792 | Throughp ut Analysis of Multicast Schedulin g Algorithm s by Varying NxN IQ Switch | |
4 | B.Purushotha m | International Journal of Engineering & Technology | 2018 June |
Volume 7, Special Issue 20, pp.573- 578, ISSN:2 227- 524X (online). |
Buffer Managem ent and Packet LossAvoidanc e Using Random Early Passive Proactive Prediction Queue Managem ent and Cluster Based Multipath Reliable Congestio n Control Protocol | |
5 | M. Reddi Durga Sree | International Journal of Scientific Research & Engineering Trends | 2018 August |
Vol. 4, Issue 4 |
Study of user’s behavior in Structured E- Commerce Websites | |
6 | Dr.N.Badrinath | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section A: Physical Sciences, |
2018 August |
(2018) Issue |
Prediction of Erythemato -Squamous Diseases through Tensor- based- learning and Classifier | |
7 | G.Ramakrishna | Institute of Thermomech anics | 2018 October |
Acta Technic a CSAV 63 No. 1B/201 8, 1–6 |
Deceptive call recognitio n in a network using machine learning | |
8 | M. Sudhakara | International Journal of Engineering & Technology | 2018 October |
7.3 (2018): 1751- 1756 |
A novel method to detect foregroun d region using morpholo gical operations with block based enhancement for underwater images | |
9 | Dr.S.Athinara yanan | ICTACT Journal on Communicati on Technology |
2018 Novemb er |
Vol.09, No.04, pp.1908 -1912 |
Distribute d Load Balancing Algorithm For Wireless Sensor Network’ | |
10 | Dr.K Navaz | ICTACT Journal on Communi cation Technology ( IJCT) |
2018 November |
VOLU ME: 09, ISSUE: 04, pp. 1908- 1912 |
Distribute d Load Balancing Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Network | |
11 | M. Reddi Durga Sree | International Journal of Scientific Research and Engineering Trends | 2018 December |
Vol. 4, Issue 6 |
Identity- based Data Auditing and Hiding for Secure Cloud Storage | |
12 | N.Venkata Vinod Kumar | International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) |
2019 January |
Volume -7 Issue- 5S2 |
Digital Signature Verificati on Using Artificial Neural Networks | |
13 | T.Venkata Rathnam | International Journal of Electronics and Computer Engineering | 2019 January |
Vol 7,Issue 1 | Feature Extraction Technique s in Microblogging Social Networks | |
14 | B.Sunil Kumar | International Journal of Management | 2019January | Vol 9,Issue 1 | Distribute d Load Balancing Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks | |
15 | B.Sunil kumar | Shodhshaury an International Scientific Refereed Research Journal | 2019 February |
Volume 2 Issue 1 |
HADOOP based Picture Pressure and Amassed Approach for Lossless Compression | |
16 | N.Venkata Vinod Kumar | Shodhshaury an International Scientific Refereed Research Journal | 2019 February |
Volume 2 Issue 1 |
HADOOP based Picture Pressure and Amassed Approach for Lossless Compression | |
17 | Dr.S.Athinara yanan | ICTACT Journal on Image and Video Processing |
2019 Feb |
Vol.09, No.03, pp.1935 -1939 |
Cervical Cancer Detection and Classificat ion by using effectual integration of directional Gabor texture feature extraction method and hybrid kernel based SVM Classificat ion |
10.21917/ijivp.2019.0274 |
18 | Dr.K.Navaz | ICTACT Journal on Image and Video Processing |
2019 Feb |
Vol.09, No.03, pp.1935 -1939 |
Cervical Cancer Detection and Classificat ion by using effectual integratio n of directional Gabor texture feature extraction method and hybrid kernel based SVM Classification |
10.21917/ijivp.2019.0274 |
19 | N.Venkata Vinod Kumar | International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) | 2019 April | 2019 | A Scalable and Distribute d Mechanis m for DNA Databases by Aggregate Queries | |
20 | M. Sudhakara | International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering | 2019 April | 2019 | Under water Image enhancement using conventional techniques quality metrics | |
21 | Dr.S.Athinara yanan | CIKITUSI Journal of Multidiscipli nary Research | 2019 May | Vol.06, No.05, pp.218 – 223, | A Study of IOT and Android based Women Safety Applications | |
22 | Dr.K.Navaz | CIKITUSI Journal of Multidiscipli nary Research | 2019 May | Vol.06, No.05, pp.218 – 223, | A Study of IOT and Android based Women Safety Applications | |
23 | B.Purushotha m | International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management | 2019 May | Volume 05,Issue 02, pp.174-180, ISSN: 2454-9150 | Buffer Managem ent Schemes to avoid Packet Loss in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks:A Survey | |
24 | K.Rajasekhar | International Journal Of Computer Science and Engineering | 2019 May | Vol. 7, Issue-5, May 2019 | “Measurin g Different Tasks for Unstructur ed Data and High Speed Data in Data Stream Mining” | |
S.No. | Name of the Faculty | Journal Name | Year & Month of Publication | Vol. No., Issue No., and pg.nos. | TITLE | Web Link |
1 | Dr. S. S Arumugam | International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology (IJSRCEIT) | 2017 – Dec | Vol no.6, Issue No.6 | Combined Interference Approach for Large Scale Ontologies Based on Map Reduced Paradigm | |
2 | Dr. S. S Arumugam | International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR) | 2017 – Nov | Vol no.6, Issue No.32 | A Time Sequence Scheme for Efficient Message Broadcast in wireless Networks | |
3 | B. Purushotham | International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR) | 2017 – Oct | Vol no.6, Issue No.29 | A Novel Path Inference Approach to Reconstructing the Per-Packet Routing Path in Wireless Sensor Networks | |
4 | B. Rupadevi | International Journal of Advanced Technology and Innovative Research(IJATIR) | 2017 – Oct | Vol no.9, Issue No.11 | Defending your Accurate: Provable Attribute- Based keyword Search with Fine-Grained Owner -Obligatory Search Autorization in the Cloud | |
5 | Ch. Siva Sankar | Emperor International Journal of Finance and Management Research [EIJFMR] | 2017 – Dec | Vol no.9, Issue No.02 | Implementation Of A Machine Learning Technique: Store And Process Big Data In Distributed Environment Over The Array Of Computers | |
6 | G. Lakshmi Narayana | International Journal of Scientific Engineering and Technology Research (IJSETR) | 2017 – Sep | Vol no.6, Issue No.29 | Secure Share Data KP-ABE with Third Party Verification in Cloud Computing | |
7 | C. Usha Rani | International Journal of Engineering and Computer Science (IJECS) | 2017 – Aug | vol no, 6, Issue 8 | An Effective Thresholding Technique for Otsu’s Method using Contrast Enhancement | |
8 | A. Sankar Reddy | International Journal of Engineering and Computer Science (IJECS) | 2017 – Aug | vol no, 6, Issue 8 | An Effective Thresholding Technique for Otsu’s Method using Contrast Enhancement | |
9 | A. Sankar Reddy | International Journal of Future Revolution in Computer Science & Communication Engineering (IJFRCSCE) | 2017 – Nov | vol no, 3, Issue 11 | The Study and Literature Review of a Feature Extraction Mechanism in Computer Vison | |
10 | A. Sankar Reddy | published in International Journal of Engineering and Technology (IJET) | 2018 – March | vol no, 7 | Online e-tollgate fee collection using QRCode | |